
Nursing ebook 

Learn about the new government funded bridging program for internationally educated nurses.

Download our ebook to hear more about this program that will allow you to get well ahead of the registration process while still in your home country. The Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has made it possible for nurses to 

The program includes:

100 hours of online programming that can be accessed virtually and completed over six, eight or ten weeks, including:

■ Online courses providing nursing occupation-specific English language and communication training.

■ Live information and orientation webinars providing an overview of the nursing registration process and the Canadian health care system.

Additional information in our recently updated ebook:

  • Pre-Arrival First Step

Including links to the Working in Canada tool from the Federal Government.

  • Skills Development

Including tips on skills upgrading and bridging programs available at universities, colleges and settlement agencies across the country.

  • Understanding Canadian Workplaces

Featuring tips about volunteering, internships, mentoring, and job shadowing programs that could can help you in your job search and job performance.

  • Job Finding Techniques

Resources including links to Immigrant Settlement Agencies and tips on resume writing, interview techniques, information interviews and networking.

  • Associations

Links to National, Provincial and Territorial regulatory bodies and professional immigrant networks.

  • Employment

An overview of best locations, major employers sector reports and alternative career pathways.

Complete this form to receive your FREE guide.

Note – “Career Pathways” is only a guide and you will have to do more research to make a career plan that will work for you. The information listed in Career Pathways is for guidance purposes only and is up to date to the best of our knowledge. It is recommended that you contact the relevant body before taking any step.