Planning For Canada Booth (5)

About Us

We help immigrants prepare for their move, settlement, and employment in Canada. Planning for Canada offers FREE orientation sessions and personalized advice virtually worldwide. Our live, interactive, and personalized services provide the information you need to better prepare for life and employment in Canada. 

Planning for Canada is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and offers pre-arrival services to economic and family class immigrants, and Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) candidates. 

Since 2007, we have served more than 65,000 clients from 111 countries. Most clients have attested that, due to the Planning for Canada support, they understood better what needs to be done in their job search pre-departure and felt they could better assess and mitigate the challenges they might face when settling in Canada.



Our Services

Immigrant Workshop: Obtain information on all key aspects of living and working in Canada. Add to what you already know through family and friends, clarify your expectations, make informed decisions, and start networking with like-minded people.

Self-Directed e-Learning: Explore various topics about living and working in Canada at your own pace. Thanks to these immersive virtual learning modules, you will get access to the latest tips and self-directed e-learning resources designed to meet your specific needs and offer focused support.

One-on-One session and Connections: Discuss your main settlement and employment needs and assets with Planning for Canada facilitators to create a personalized Settlement Plan based on your destination and intended occupation in Canada. At the end of the session, you will be connected to experts in Canada who will provide tailored pre-arrival settlement and employment support, guidance and referrals based on your needs.

E-library: Access additional resources and materials through the PfC e-library. Gain important and useful advice and recommendations before your arrival about living and working in Canada in a flexible and self-paced manner!

Webinars: Obtain the most up-to-date in-depth information on different key settlement and employment topics.

CHECK Planning for Canada website to REGISTER for our program or sign up for our webinars:


Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible for our services if you have applied for immigration to any part of Canada (all provinces and territories) as a principal applicant, partner or spouse, or adult dependant, and have received at least one of the following documents:
  1. IRCC invitation to obtain pre-arrival services
  2. Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) letter/document
  3. A passport request letter that indicates Permanent Resident Visa issuance
  4. IRCC requests that an applicant for permanent residence complete a medical examination
  5. Single Entry Permanent Resident Visa
  6. Permanent Resident Visa pick-up notification letter
  7. Offer of Employment to a Foreign National (Atlantic Immigration Program)

You must submit one of these documents during registration as proof of eligibility.

Contact Us

If you have questions, please send us an email at You can also follow us on social media:
  1. Facebook
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Instagram